Sunday, January 07, 2007

Devendra branches out: Cibelle & Vetiver

This post has two parts. The first is a new series, a collection of collaborations. The first edition of which is Cibelle and Devendra Banhart...

London, London

Part Two is about a band that Devendra has toured with and spoken of with love in many interviews, Vetiver. Very mellow. See what you think...

On A Nerve

...And then there's a couple of photos that crack me up. I have since read and watched various interviews that connects all these people in various ways but these images were the first things that really brought home the realisation that the world is apparently as small as Perth. Everyone is connected. The so called 'New Freaks of America Movement' is a whole bunch of people I like to listen to, and as they are all suddenly grouped into the same category, I am saddened by the fact that this is the way it's gotta go. And it seems they are too. Each such individual people, and making such a point of the fact and yet there is some weird need to group them all together. Well. This is an appearances tribute. You were there, it connects, it's all good.

Devendra with Cat Power

Nude As The News


Devendra with Joanna Newsom

Sprout & The Bean

"En Gallop"


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